
Friday, December 31, 2010

True Stories Of Some Very Dumb Criminals::Funny Story

True Stories Of Some Very Dumb Criminals::Funny Story

True Stories Of Some Very Dumb Criminals::Funny Story
While many crooks may dream of committing the perfect crime, some burglars botch up a job so badly that what happens to them isn’t simply justice – it’s hilarious!

For one crook, a fun party ended really abruptly when he was arrested by police officers in Weatherford, Texas. It turns out that the man was throwing a pool-and-beer party for his friends in a vacant home when he was quickly busted by the real estate agent. The man, who had thrown pool parties in vacant homes before, invited the real estate agent to join them for a clambake, but clearly their ploy didn’t work. The man and his friends were promptly charged with breaking and entering.

In Sylvester, GA, three crooks severely underestimated their fellow man’s intelligence when they stole a bank teller’s checkbook – and then went to that same bank to cash the fraudulent checks. The bank teller who was approached by these three men stalled them until police arrived, where it was later discovered that the men had previously broken into four homes. It didn’t take long for these guys to end up in prison!

It’s no secret that high gas prices have driven everyone crazy – but one man in particular became so desperate that he attempted to steal a whole tanker truck full of gas. According to news reports, the man was so-hard pressed for gas for his luxury Hummer that he attempted to drive off in a tanker at a gas station. It turns out that trying to make a clean getaway in one of the largest trucks on highways today isn’t quite as simple as the man thought.

In Orange County, California, one burglar learned the hard way that it pays to get a good night’s sleep – especially if you’re looking to pull a job the next day. Police found the thief fast asleep in a car that he had broken into, with his hands still clutching the car stereo he had purloined from the vehicle. The arresting officers had to read his rights three times, as he continued to fall asleep during the first two. Looks like someone needs to get a new mattress!

In Philadelphia, a teenager busted a window and was caught not through the diligence of police officers – but because he had posted a video of the crime on YouTube. This should be a lesson for all potential Criminal s out there: if you’re going to commit a crime, don’t post the act online!

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